Aaron continues to explore previously unknown aspects of the Punisher’s life, with good results. In flashbacks to the period when Frank returns from his last tour of Vietnam but before he loses his family, we see Frank flirting with his dark side. Offered a hit by a mafia boss, Frank asks for the best sniper rifle they can give him and turns the sights on his new employer.
Nick Fury points out something to Frank that is obvious to the reader: that he’s not a normal person and he is going to get his family in trouble. Here, the fault for the death of his family seems to be situated on Frank’s shoulders. His family died because he refused to admit what he really is.
The strength of the last issue was the jumping between the two time periods in the Punisher’s life. In this issue, we don’t see much of the current timeline, it ends only slightly advanced from the last issue. We do meet, however, another of what Ennis has bestowed as Frank’s new legacy: the memorable one-off villain. This time, it’s an evil cop who works for the Kingpin.
Aaron has advanced the MAX version of the Punisher to a point where Frank’s family wasn’t his last chance to be normal, but people who were caught in the cross fire in his inevitable fall into darkness.
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