As much as the cynic in me recognizes the inherent con of a never ending series of massive company crossovers, the sucker in me can't help but read them.
Blackest Night is DC's current ongoing event. So far I respect it for a number of things. The first is explicitly dealing with the concept of comic book death. Why is death a revolving door for certain people? So far the question has only been raised, but I hope it will be dealt with. Blackest Night: Batman was good. It had both Tim and Dick trying to deal with the fact they will never see their parents again. And a guest appearance from the ever lovable Deadman!
The main series has so far chewed through characters like a lawnmower through a stack of baseball cards. So far the dead include: Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Kyle Rayner, Aqualad, Hawk and half of Firestorm. Why am I impressed with killing characters off? What's the difference between cheap stunts and good writing? It's a fine line, but with comic universes being static any shake up is a positive.
And who wouldn't love armies of flying zombies?