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I'm a Social Anarchist and an avid reader of comics. Twitter handle is @armyofcrime.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Strange Death of American Freedom?

There seems to be a popular meme floating around, both right and left, in the mainstream of political discourse. Something to the effect of: America has fallen from it's lofty perch. America's founding was a great and noble, but the government has fallen into corruption since then. The wisdom of the Founding Father's has left us. Our freedoms are being taken away.

And yet, any objective look at history shows that America is exponentially more free now then when it was founded. The Founding Father's spoke of self determination and freedom. And founded a country with a massive slave based feudalism. They talked of "taxation without representation", and yet the only people who were represented were wealthy white landowners. And while striking a blow against Imperialism, they wiped out the Native Americans. The slaves are free, the franchise is universal and domestic populations are no longer being ethnically cleansed. America is more free than it ever has been. Which isn't to give any credit to the government, nor to deny they are trying to take our freedoms away.

The supposed act that represented America's long fall into slavery is debated, some say the creation of the Federal Reserve, some the New Deal. And yet the hidden assumption seems to be that the freedom of blacks, the poor, women or Indians doesn't matter. The only freedom to be concerned with is Middle class white America.

We need to recognize that the Founding Father's weren't saints, that America's founding wasn't special, and that society is slowly improving. We just need to find out how to help it along, and stop the occasional reactionary back slides.